William & Rosalind Brown
Did you see the Ivory Coast Team play in the World Cup? They are a great team; it is a pity they lost!
Pete Nye and I have just returned from leading another type of 'team' to Ivory Coast. However our team didn't go to play football (although they did that too!) they formed 'Operation Centurion' and helped to build much needed facilities at the Bible Institute in Sassandra.
The Lord provided us with a great team of men who worked together, prayed together and laughed together! The local Christians also rallied round and did their part; women came and carried bricks two by two to the site (on their heads!) young people and children also got stuck in making it a huge cross- cultural team!
The project is a tremendous encouragement to Ivorian Christians and many commented on how moved they were to see a team prepared to help in this way while their country is still 'at war'. The building consists of two classrooms, library, office, toilet and guest bedroom. It is now at roof level and another team will accompany Pete and myself in November in order to finish the job.
In a day when many 'sects' are on the increase and people are exposed to 'every wind of doctrine' we are more and more convinced of the importance of encouraging the National Church to see men trained and equipped for the work of God.
Tools for the Job
Each member of 'Operation Centurion' brought with them tools for the job! Spirit levels, trowels, bolsters, claw hammers… However they also managed to pack in some spiritual tools, gospels of John and 35 sets of chronological children's Bible lessons from Every Home Crusade. One of the highlights of the trip was to present 23 sets of Bible lessons to recently trained Sunday School teachers and to see their joy. Pray for them as they use these 'tools' to teach boys and girls. John's gospels were also distributed at checkpoints along the way and were gratefully received.
Barnabas Ministry
In November when William returns to Ivory Coast, he will be teaching at the Bible Institute in Sassandra. Ben Griffin, a UFM appointee, will accompany him. He and his wife, Liz, and family plan to work in Ivory Coast when the Lord opens the door for them. They are presently involved in pastoral work in England. William and Ben will also spend some time with Pastor Koné in Yamoussoukro in order to give Ben as much exposure as possible to various aspects of the work. Please pray for all the preparation involved… from preparing teaching material to all the practicalities of taking out another team, etc.
Political Situation
As mentioned previously, elections are scheduled for October. Whilst no official announcement has been made it is unlikely that they will take place due to lack of progress in the disarmament process. This could still prove to be a volatile time in the country so please pray for wisdom for the political leaders and that the relative peace experienced in recent months will continue.
The bigger picture
Earlier in the summer we attended our mission's Family Conference in Leicestershire. It was a very encouraging time as we shared with missionary colleagues and met new missionaries preparing to go overseas for the first time. As a mission we have much to praise God for. Since last year 15 new missionaries have commenced their service with UFM. 9 have gone to existing teams in Brazil, France and Papua New Guinea and 6 have gone to countries where UFM did not have any missionaries, Italy, Peru and Portugal. This does not include short-term workers going to Sierra Leone, Peru and PNG. By the end of September UFM will have workers in 3 additional countries, Burkina Faso, India and Turkey bringing the total number of countries in which we have missionaries to 25.
The 21st century presents many challenges; but be encouraged! God is still at work and is sending people forth with the gospel! If you would like more details we are just a phone call away!
Youth Weekend 2006
Application forms are coming in for the Youth Weekend to be held at Oceanview, Rossnowlagh, Co Donegal. 13 – 15 October. Phillip Annett (CEF) is the speaker. Pray that the young people who attend will come with hearts open to God. If you are over 15 and interested in coming, get in touch with us – but hurry – places are limited!
Finally, thank you for your prayers, love and support. You, too, are a vital part of our team as we work together for the glory of God.