Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Some of this year's activities.

Just to let you see a few of the things we have been involved in this year.

Above: Children's Aventure Camp

Above: Saturday Youth Club

How quickly time goes by!!!

It's hard to believe that Abbie is now 5 and Lois 14 months. Where does the time go???

It's been great to spend time with the girls over the summer months, at the beach (when on holiday, as the beach is a bit far away) and at the pool. Children really are a blessing from the Lord and how often do they put things into perspective, when everything else does'nt make sense. Here's a photo of the girls taken in early July at the coast.

We're back!!!!!!!!!!

To all UFM,ers out there, we have not added items to this blog for some time now due to just not making the time to do it, but hey, its important! Please take the time to post items on this blog as its a great way to share info about your work with not only supporters of the missions but also with many people throughout the world. This is also a great way to encourage prayer!

It's also encouraging for us missionaries to catch up with you and your work. God Bless you all!

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