Friday, April 28, 2006

Joe & Evelyn McCartney in Brazil

The church has invited Pr.José and he and his family arrive next week. At present the house where he will live has no roof, and needs a lot of work as well as painting.
We are praying that the roof will be in place before Friday. Saturday and Monday the folk from the church will go there to paint, put in ceilings etc.

Last time we were on furlough we raised some money for a larger property for the church. As it was not sufficient to buy a lot and the Dollar was falling fast against the Real we thought it best to invest in something. The house in front of the church went on the market and we were able to buy it.

A couple from the church had been living in the house until Saturday past. We had not realized that there was so much work needed on the house. Nearly all the roof timbers were rotten with woodworm. This a been a big expensive that we had not expected.

Joe & Evelyn McCartney

Joe and Evelyn come from Dundonald where their home church is Dundonald Baptist. They have been working in Jaraguá do Sul in Southern Brazil for the past number of years, involved in a church planting ministry where they have seen many encouragements.

Chris & Emma McIlroy

As many of you will already know, we are planning to head to Indonesia in July of this year with UFM. God has led us to Hillcrest International School in Sentani, Papua.
H.I.S. is an English speaking Christian School mainly for missionary kids. The school caters for children aged 5-18 and is based on the American schooling system with about 150 children currently being educated there.

At H.I.S. there are approximately 10 acres of ground to maintain and Chris will work with the existing team, mainly Indonesians, in the role of Site Manager. As Chris is working with nationals it will be necessary for him to know some of the language. Chris has also been asked to teach an Industrial Arts class once a week, so this will be something new for him to venture into!
Emma will be doing much the same as at home, only in a different setting. She will be teaching boys and girls in the 3rd Grade, which is equivalent to Northern Ire-land’s P5. School starts at 7.40a.m. and finishes at 3p.m., so it will be an earlier start than at home!
Acts 1 v 8 says, ‘ will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’ It is our heart’s desire to be good witnesses both here, before we go, and when we arrive in Sentani.

Chris & Emma McIlroy

Hi there, we're Chris and Emma McIlroy, we belong to Straid Congregational Church, near Ballyclare. Chris is a greenkeeper at the Hilton Hotel in Templepatrick and is a keen Man Utd fan!! Emma is a shcool teacher at Cavehill Primary School and loves go-karting and playing with our dog, Honey!
We've both became Christians when we were children and were fortunate to have been brought up by Christian parents. We've had a keen interest in outreach work since joining our Youth Fellowship when we were 14!
This July we hope to head out to Papua, a part of Indonesia to serve God in a Christian School there. Chris will use his outdoor practical skills to look after the school grounds and Emma will teach some of the Missionary Kids. We are currently in the process of getting ready to go and would value your prayers both now and when we get there!


Thursday, April 27, 2006

Colin Doake (UFM Irish Secretary)

I am responsible for overseeing the administration of the Belfast office. I also represent UFM Worldwide in churches throughout Ireland through preaching and audio/visual presentation. My wife Heather and I were involved in missionary work for several years in Southern Ireland as well as serving in a pastoral ministry in England.

I hope that you will find this site helpful in keeping you up to date on what our missionaries are doing. Feel free to leave comments for our missionaries to read by using the 'comment' button below each entry.

I would be willing to come to your church to update you on our missionaries and the work of UFM in general as well as highlight some of the current opportunities and prayer needs that exist within the Mission. You can contact me by emailing me at or phone me on 02890242404.


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