Chris & Emma McIlroy
As many of you will already know, we are planning to head to Indonesia in July of this year with UFM. God has led us to Hillcrest International School in Sentani, Papua.
H.I.S. is an English speaking Christian School mainly for missionary kids. The school caters for children aged 5-18 and is based on the American schooling system with about 150 children currently being educated there.
At H.I.S. there are approximately 10 acres of ground to maintain and Chris will work with the existing team, mainly Indonesians, in the role of Site Manager. As Chris is working with nationals it will be necessary for him to know some of the language. Chris has also been asked to teach an Industrial Arts class once a week, so this will be something new for him to venture into!
Emma will be doing much the same as at home, only in a different setting. She will be teaching boys and girls in the 3rd Grade, which is equivalent to Northern Ire-land’s P5. School starts at 7.40a.m. and finishes at 3p.m., so it will be an earlier start than at home!
Acts 1 v 8 says, ‘ will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’ It is our heart’s desire to be good witnesses both here, before we go, and when we arrive in Sentani.
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